Your consideration of and Interest in its favourshould it meet with your approbation. I am alsocollecting materials for a history of all this partof the Country, particularly of the Indians, and of its natural productions &;c. accept my best wishes for your success &; prosperityStanley Griswold acting Governorof Michigan Teritory Michigan Teritory 1 June 1806Friends I committed your address (as was mentionedin my former letter) to the interpreter and theprincipal chief of the Wyandot at Moguago tobe communicated and explained to the chiefsat Sanduskey- they have lately waited on mewith the following information- That they dispatched two young men with the address to Tarhie at Sanduskey whowere gone 7 days- that they found him withother chiefs and many more people assembled at a funeral- that a missionary preacher was therewhose name they had forgot- that on making knowntheir errand and producing the address the preacherinterfered and strongly urged the chiefs and peoplenot to hearken to the Quakers nor accept anything from them, not even the implements ofHusbandry offered by you as a present- that if