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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


they wanted such things he (the preacher) made nodoubt the missionary society in whose service hewas employed would furnish them with what theywanted- and- that they could get no particularanswer from the chiefs at that time. But, it ispossible either you or I may hear from themby and by Who this preacher is, I know not. But whoever he may be, I am sure he ought never tohave been sent to the Indians, to act so muchlike a heathen himself, so contrary to the Gospelof peace, and to the interests of the poor nations &;of the U.S and of us all who reside near thesavages- The Missionary Society of Connecticuthave had preachers in that quarter, but whetherhe belonged to that or an other society, is uncertainI should hope better of my nation state, than thatthey would employ such men for christianteachers- I hope the clergy of New England arenot for Renewing the spirit of former times against the Quakers- too much cannot be done forthe improvement of the Indians, and if that, orany other society, would share them assistance in the line offered by you, they certainly could do itand still suffer the poor Indians to receive thebenefit of yours- the Natives in question are ripefor exchanging the savage life for civilization, &;are very desirous to obtain ploughs, hoes &; which you