offer- those in this vicinity are frequentlyspeaking to me to procure for them these thingsfrom the U.S- From the concern taken by theSecretary of War respecting your communicationprofering your bounty to the Indians in suchuseful articles, I conclude the Government wishto encourage your exertions, which so perfectlyaccord with their own- It might be well tomake some enquiry by publication or otherwaysto find what society, employs the Teacher whohas acted the part above mentioned- This letteris at your service for that purpose, and if Ishould receive further information it will becommunicated by Your friend &;well wisherStanley Griswold acting as Governor of Michigan TeritoryMichigan Teritory Then adjourned Balt. 10mo 15 1806 At a Meeting of the Committee on Indianconcerns present 20 Members and our friends JesseeKersey, Nathan Sharpless Edward Garrick &;GeorgeMassey from the Yearly Meeting of Phila.The sub committee informed that Wm Kirk had returned and made the following report(for the Substance of which see report to YearlyMeeting page 141 and sequel)