that half a mile below the Station, is a village, where they foundfourteen families of the Eel River Indians, which has this summer,been increased by several families and many more are expectedthis fall; That these Indians have raised a good crop of Corn, andhave several Horses, Cows, and many Hogs. Another village oftwenty families, of the Miamis, is settled about a half mile abovethe Station. These have also raised a good crop of Corn, andhave several Horses and Cattle, and at least on hundred Hogs.At both of those villages their Corn was planted by white people,employed by the Indian agent, who, with their consent, deducts theexpence out of their annuities. After the Corn was planted, theycultivated themselves. Adjacent to the Station, several families of Weas Indians aresettled, who have cleared six acres of land. The family withwhich Philip Dennis resided, being one of them. This six acres,together with part of what Philip Dennis cleared, which was notcultivated by William and Mahlon Kirk, they have themselves cul-tivated in Corn, except one plowing given it by William Kirk.From this ground William expects they will have from sixty toseventy bushels per acre. The young Indian who worked withPhilip Dennis, has a good sock of Cattle, and about four hundredhogs. William further observes, that he visited several of the Indianvillages in that country, the Indians, at most of which, were anxiousto engage in the cultivation of their lands, and very solicitousthat aid should be extended to them by Friends; but he uniform-ly replied to them that Friends had it not in their power to aidmore settlements than the one at present under their care. Healso informs, that the progress made by the Indians in civilizationsurpasses any thing that could have been expected in so short atime. There are, nevertheless, many amongst them, who have nodisposition to labour. The Indian agent and all the other officers of government, havebeen very kind, and have done all in their power to make their situa-tion comfortable. The young Indian who distinguished himself by working with Philip Dennis, gave them twenty Bushels of Corn andsome Hogs in return for the benefits received from the Friends last year.Some of almost all the tribes residing within sixty miles of the sta-tion, have visited them; these, and all the other Indians in the neigh-bourhood have been very friendly and well disposed. He furthersays, that he delivered the address from the committee, directedby him to the principal Chiefs of the Miamis and others; in an-swer to which, a reply was received from the Little Turtle, on behalfof his own tribe, from which the following is an extract. Brothers and Friends, The words which you spoke to me and my brother chiefs, whoaccompanied me to Baltimore some years ago, are yet fresh in mymemory, and also in the memory of your red brethren in thiscountry; for hen I returned home I explained faithfully to themall that you requested. Brothers,All you have said to us at and since that period, has been com-municated to your red brothers of this country, which has causedthem to believe that you are their friends, and wish to relieve themas far as lays in your power. Brothers,Two springs ago you made your appearance here amongst us, and said it pleased the Great Spirit that you should visit us;which visit is gratefully acknowledged by your red brethren in thiscountry. Brothers,You told us at that time you came to give us all the assistancein your power, and requested us to point out a place where wethought your services would be of most benefit to us; we request-ed you to go to the place where our friend William Kirk, who isnow present, has resided this summer; this place we chose be-cause it was the most public, and would afford passengers an op-portunity of seeing what was done more than any other we couldpoint out. You then raised a great crop of Corn and gave it toyour red brethren; the receipt of which was thankfully acknow-ledged by them. Brothers,You have now again made your appearance amongst your redbrethren in this country; they have listened to your words withattention, and find they correspond with the first words you spoketo us. You told us you came to occupy the same ground that youhad occupied two years ago, but did not request us to point outto you at what place your services would be most beneficial, asyou did when you first arrived amongst us, which has preventedyour red brethren, residing elsewhere, from participating in your services