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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


The following minutes are loose, but appear to have been tipped in at one time. Balto. 2 mo 10 1807 W-Wells Respected friendWilliam Kirk being nowin the service of Government and proposes to takehis brother Mahlon into his employ consequentlyDennis’ station will be come vacant until we canprocure a person to supply their placeswe are exerting ourselves to find a suitablecharacter for this purpose but should we notsucceed we shall again be under the necessity of requesting the favour of thee to assist the Indianson our behalf in the manner thee did in theyear 1805 We have requested Wm Kirk if he should notbe able to find employ for the two Horses andimplements of Husbandry which we have at the station, to place them under thy care untilthe hears from us again E. Thomas Elisha Tyson Geo Ellicott G.T. Hopkins