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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


Baltimore 2mo 9 1807 At a Meeting of the committee on Indianconcerns present 16 Members William Kirk having been taken into theemploy of the United States, and expressed a prospectof removing his brother Mahlon Kirk to one ofthe stations placed under his care by the Government; The sub committee informed that theyhad written to those of our members residing atRedstone, giving this information to them; Andhad requested their assistance in procuringsuitable persons to succeed William &;Mahlonat Dennis Station, but no reply or informationwas yet recd. from them. The committee having taken the subjectinto consideration concluded it would bebest, under the present state of things to continue our exertions to procure a well qualified person to take charge of our settlementon the Wabash but if no such can be attainedthe sub committee were directed to write to Wm.Wells and desire him to employ a man to assistthe Indians on behalf of Friends in puting intheir crop the ensueing season and inform them that the Presidentof the United States, having employed the personswhich we had sent out to aid them, and no onehaving offered to succeed them we had adopted this