following communication to him Balto. 3 mo 4 1807 Wm Kirk Dear friend The committee ofBaltimore Yearly Meeting on Indian concernsbeing informed that the Government has employed thee to superintend a plan which ithas adopted to promote the civilization ofthe Miami confederacy of Indians andothers, feel their minds impressed with ananxious solicitude for thy preservation inthe new and exposed situation which thouwill be placed. And under the influence ofan ardent desire that the very importanttrusts confided to thee, may through divineaid be so conducted, as to promote thelaudable views of our Government, &; securethe Benefits intended to this heretofore muchneglected people, the committee feel themselvesin brotherly affection drawn to extend suchadmonition and caution as they may be enabled to give thee- on the prudent management of thecharge now committed to thee, circumstancesof very great importance to our Country willrest, perhaps indeed the existence of wholenations of those people who are to become