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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


rasied by our brethren of Great Britainfor the purpose of aiding the exertionsof friends in this country in promotingthe civilization of the Indian nations,concluded, to appoint Thomas Moore,Elisha Tyson, George Ellicott &;GerardT. Hopkins, to address the committee ofthe Meeting for Sufferings of Philad.in order to ascertain what amount they have, and expect to authorised,to draw upon friends of London forthat we may be enabled to judge what further sums, we are intitledto receive as our proportion of themoney raised by friends of England &;be prepared to lay a clean statementof the business before our ensuingyearly Meeting A letter was recd. from Wm Wellsgiving information respecting the situationour settlement on the Wabash the sub committee was directed to write &;inform him of its reception and also to