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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


forward to our agents there a communication suitable to the occasion Then adjourned Balto. 10mo 13 1807 At a Meeting of the committee on Indianconcerns present 24 Members and several of ourbrethren from the neighbouring Yearly Meetings The friends appointed to address a communication to the committee of themeeting for sufferings of Philad. on the subjectof the money raised by our brethren of GreatBritain in aid of the exertions of friends inAmerica in promoting the civilization of the Indians nations informed that they hadcomplied with the service and received ananswer which was produced and read The following friends were appointedto examine &;settle the Treasurers accounts, &;prepare a report to the Yearly Meeting towit George Ellicott, Edward Stabler, PhilipE. Thomas, Henry Mills, David Grave, JonasCattell Caleb Kirk &; Asa Moore Then adjourned until tomorrowevening at the 6 Hour- At which timethe committee again met present 17 Members The friends appointed to prepare a report to the Yearly Meeting produced the following