prospect of Corn, Beans, Pumpkins, PotatoesHemp, Tobacco and a number of GardenVegetables- They also inform that they haveassisted many of the Indians in renderingtheir houses more comfortable &; plowed &;assisted in planting one field of Cornfor them – likewise made &;furnished severalploughs to them, They further informthat they had commenced clearing land&; built a House for their own accommodationon a spot pointed out by one of theMiami Chiefs on a pleasant situationand near to spring of Good water They likewise add that the Indiansat one of the neighbouring Villages haveplanted a large field of Corn Potatoes &;many garden Vegetables, without muchassistance or the use of Ploughs &; at anotherVillages near 30 acres, which was ploughedonce by a white man- The Indians at boththere Villages have amongst them a considerablenumber of Horses, Cattle &; a great quantityof Hogs A letter has also been receivedfrom the Indian agent at Fort Wayne informing that our young men at Dennis Stationhad conducted themselves with great proprietywere good Examples of industry &; sobrietyto the Indians ad had a very promising cropcoming forward