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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


The committee have received from the meetingfor sufferings of Phila. $8000 as a part of ourproportion of money raised by our brethrenof Great Britain and remited to them, to bedivided amongst friends in America inaid of the concern for promoting thecivilization of the Indians, and they suggest tothe Yearly Meeting the propriety of investingthe donation of our brethren in Englandin some productive Stock &; of limitingtheir expenditures of it to its annual proceeds It appears by information which hasreached us that many of the Indians inhabiting the country bordering on our Stationhave latterly become extremely unsetled &;disquieted in their minds respecting somereligious controversies, which have beenexcited amongst them by one Indianstyling himself as a Prophet and that in consequence thereof great numbers havecollected together &; intirely neglected anykind of attention to agriculture or otherconcerns we have not understood thatthose residing at our station or immediately in its neighbourhood have yethad any concern or taken any part in thesecontroversies, but should this hereafter unhappily be the case, the committee are