have made in the knowledge of Husbandry&; It appears by a minute of the YearlyMeeting that our friend James Gillinghamwas added to this committee in the placeof Wm Kirk who was at his request releasedThen Adjourned sine die Balto. 1 mo 13 1808 At a meeting of the committee onIndian concerns present 12 Members John Shaw one of the persons employedby the committee the last season atDennis’ Station attended and gave adetail of the occurences &; circumstancesattending his residence on the Wabash, whichwas satisfactory, and if appearing to themembers present that the existing state ofthings at our Station requiring the furtherattention of friends, and he expressing awillingness to engage for the present year inthe service of friends, the committee concludedto employ him, and authorised him to engage afriend whom he may approve to accompany&; remain with him at our station for the ensuingseason at such wages as he may think reasonable