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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


&; just. He was also instructed to have prepared &;taken out with him such implements of Husbandryas he may deem necessary for the furtherprosecution of the Views of the Yearly Meetingand draw on the Treasurer for the amount ofexpence incured The Treasurer was directed to pay JohnShaw the amount of his &; Isaace Griffith’sacct. calculating Johns salary up to the endof last month and it was understood betweenhim and the committee that his present engagment was to take date from the 1st instantand his future salary (which was to be setledafter) computed from that time The secretary was orderd to give to JohnShaw an order on John Bentley to deliverup to him the implements of agriculture in hispossession belonging to friends a letter was reced. from William Wellsgiving information of the present dispositionof the Indians &;the situation of our settlementThen adjourned Balto. 2 mo 8 1808 At a Meeting of the Committee on Indianconcerns present 15 members The friends appointed to invest the fundsremited to us on acct. of the money raised by our