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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


At a Meeting of the committee on Indianconcerns 8 mo 8 1808 present 14 members The friends appointed to visit the Indiansat and in the neighbourhood of our settlementon the Wabash reported that they left Baltimorethe 4 of the 4 Month, 1808 &; arrived at Fort Waynethe 10th of the 5th Month on their route theypassed by the residence of David Grave ofWestland &;Benjamin Idings residing on theWest Branch of the Great Miami who bothaccompanied them whilst the remained amongstthe Indians. Having on their arrival concludedit would be best to have a general conferencewith the Indians at that place, they wereinvited to attend in council 10 days from that time, in the mean time the committeemade a visit to the Indians residing atDennis Station at which place the Indiansmanifested a friendly disposition towardsthem. They have found that some of the Indianshad made considerable progress in the cultivationof their lands by the aid of White Men hiredout of their annuities, and a few of themby their own labour. But the insatiable desirethese people have for spirituous liquors, and thequantity they obtain from the state of Ohiorenders it a matter of doubt in the opinionof the Committee whether much progresswill be made in civilization whilst it remains