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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


for their use but they had never seen it. I onlygive you this information we have given ourfather the reason of our rejecting him &; we oughtnot to be questioned for our reasons at this place-This is all we shall have to say to you at pres-ent you see our Chiefs are not present whenthey &; us have assembled we will communicate all you have said to us &; they will givesuch an answer as they think most proper- The white Loon of Dennis’s Station thenspoke as follows It is with great pleasure that I see thatthe hearts of our brothers are disposed to dous service- I am sorry that the Cheifs are notpresent to give such an answer as the questionrequires. It is natural for you to expect me to say something. I will speak of those young menyou have sent from time to time to assist usat our villages. To meet your views &; to give youa proof that we wish to better our situationwe have taken several annuities and appliedthem to the improvement of our farms we haveemployed men to build houses &;fences &;open ourfarms upon which we are at work you sent twomen amongst us &; told us they were to aid &;assist us it has now been two years since you sentmen amongst us it is seldom or never we see them