away again. I was to that the corn was all gonewhen my people went down to receive the cornthey found it had almost all been removedI then told the people not to receive it as therewould not be enough for them all- I am highly pleased to see you in this Country. You expected to find your young men working inour fields, instead of which you found themworking in a field by themselves, we wouldlike it much better if they would work inour fields- The Chiefs not being present Ido not find myself authorised to say anything further on the subject- Elisha Tyson then observed that they appeareddesirous of receiving further assistance, &; that to extend more than one place. We toldyour Chiefs when in Baltimore that we couldnot assist them at more than one place at a time, that we were poor but their father thePresident was rich &; able to help them, andwe had learned that he had promised themhis aid &; we cannot understand why the youngmen with their tools which their father hadsent were turned back when the expense wasnothing to the Indians yet it cost your father