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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


would be very seasonable relief to divers of thefamilies in the Village who were much inneed of it at that time, having lost many oftheir Hogs during the winter for want of food After solid deliberation on the importantconcern confided to us it was the opinion of thecommittee that a benefit would result from adeputation being sent into that country inorder to ascertain the present disposition of theIndians &; the progress they have made in theknowledge of agriculture &; our friends ElishaTyson James Gillingham &; David Grave wereaccordingly nominated to that service &; procededto make the proposed visit early in the lastspring; They arrived at Fort Wayne in the 5thmonth, from which place they proceeded toDennis Station &; were received in a friendlymanner by the Indians, divers of whom hadmade considerable progress in the cultivationof their lands, aided by white men paid outof their annuities &; some of them by theirown labour- The young men in the employof Friends at that place were engaged inpreparing for a crop of corn, and appeared tobe acting prudently, the Indians as well as whitesin the neighbourhood expressed satisfaction