was carefully secured before they came away, theyalso raised some Hemp, Tobacco, Potatoes, Turnips &;avariety of Garden Vegetables. The corn was not distributed amongst the Indians this fall, on acct.of many of them being absent, on Hunting expiditions, &; their believing it would be moreserviceable in the spring; He likewise informed, that they had aided the Indians in buildingseveral Houses, after the crop was in a situationto admit of their attention being withdrawnfrom it, and that some of the Indians appearedindustrious and worked steadily, but the corruptingand debasing influence of Spiritous liquors upon them,which most pernicious article, they continue tointroduce in large quantities into their Villagesremains to be the principal obstacle to their general improvement; and if means are not adopted,to prevent their easy access, to this baneof civilization &; morality, there does not appeara very encouraging prospect of their progressingmuch in improvement, they however appeared generallythankful, &; expressed their obligations, for our assistence&;solicit a continuance of our friendly aid. John Shaw also made a report of his observationsand enquires respecting a suitable situation for a permanent establishment, should friends continueto pursue their efforts, towards the civilization of the Indians in the neighbourhood of Fort Wayne,which was refered for further consideration