James Ellicott Gerard T. Hopkins &;Elias Ellicottwere appointed to examine &;adjust the acct.of the expenses incured by John Shaw &; IsaacGriffith and report to the next meeting ofthe Committee Then adjourned to the 6th Hour in the eveningof the 25th Inst. when the committee again metpresent 12 Members The general state of the concern refused tous coming under solid consideration, after some timespent in deliberation thereon, it was concludedto adjourn until tomorrow evening at the 6th Hourwhen the committee again met present 11 Membersthe Little Turtle &; Rusheville chiefs of the Miamy nationof Indians, the Beaver &; Crow, Chiefs of the Delawares &; Marpuck a chief of the Puttowattomies The committee addressed these chiefs in the followingSpeech, through one of its members BrothersI feel a degree of thankfulness in myheart to the Great Spirit that my life has beenlengthened out, to have an opportunity this eveningof taking you by the hand, &; particularly the LittleTurtle, whom I remember some years ago, sitingin council with. I think I may say I have felt aportion of that love which then operated uponmy heart attended by a strong desire for the welfareof you my red brethren: The conference whichwe then had, has been strongly impressed upon mymind; I have often remembered our communications,and particularly the solitude expressed by them, at