that time, that our society would afford some assistence to our red brethren, in instructing them inthe cultivation of the Earth, and in the knowledgeof some of the more useful arts of civil life. Brothers The Turtle no doubt remembers his thenhaving expressed to us his regret thatspiritous liquors were so frequently introducedamongst the Indians, by the traders, and his thenrequesting the aid of our Society, in order to represent to the Government, the baneful effectsof that pernicious article &; he no doubt alsorecollects, that some of us, in consequence thereofattended congress in company with him &; the otherchiefs BrothersIn consequence of the expectationsthen made, a law was passed, empowering thePresident of the United States to restrain the tradersfrom furnishing that article to the Indians, &;we were there united with you in the opinion, thatwhile it was so freely used amongst our red Brethrenit would be a considerable obstruction to theirimprovement. As soon as that difficulty seemdto be removed, we apprehended it was timefor us to take some steps towards carrying theconcern of our religious society into effect, andas we were not fully acquainted with the situation of of our red Brethren we concluded tosend some of our Brothers into your Country, wherethey had a conference with divers of the chiefs of our