and nothing bad Brothers! This is not the first time that I haveheard you speak as you now speak; when youspoke these words to us some years ago we thenanswered you Brothers! when you first spoke to us youpointed to us the deplorable situation of ourpeople, in a striking manner. you enumeratedthese great evils which were amongst us,amongst others, you mentioned that of spiritousliquors which daily destroys us Brothers! we believed at that time, that youwere perfectly sensible of our situation. we toldyou that the evils that existed amongst usoccasioned by strong drink, were too heavy for us toremove, and we told you that if you reallywere concerned, as we believed you to be, inwishing us well, you would assist us in getingclear of this great evil Brothers! we told you, that we could notrestrain our young men from drinking spiritousliquors, but that we believed, that as the whitepeople were the makers of this great evil, theycould keep it out of the way of our people, sothat they could get none Brothers! You say that you went with us tothe seat of Government and that a stop wasput to the introduction of liquor amongst usas we wished. But brothers I have never seen thisexcept in the neighbourhood of Fort Wayne; thereonly our young men have not been able to get