supplied with liquor. They get supplies from the mouth of the great Miamy toDetroit, and down the Ohio to the mouthof the Wabash and up that river: and thereis no place exempt from liquor except Fort Wayne. Brothers! You have now asked us if wehad any cause of complaint against youin the execution of the endeavours you haveand to render us service, our answer to this isthat we have none. I must now tell you, asI before told you, when I talked with you, that there were various opinions amongst usrespecting the advantages which you had offeredto us. Brothers we have no complaint to makeagainst you, or any thing that you have donefor us: we are not dissatisfied with you, butif any thing has gone wrong, and your goodintentions towards us have been thwarted, it hasbeen owing to the conduct of those amongst us, whowish to continue us, in our present situation, &;prevent you from doing those good things whichyou wish to do for us Brothers! You have told us to speak freely,we do so, what I now say comes from my heart. Yourred brethren the Indians love you: It is true someof them have said that they were willing to dispensewith your services, but this is not the unannimousopinion of your red brethren; Those who have saidthis have never received any services from you.- asthey have recd. none, consequently they have none to