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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


on the subject, were unitedly of the opinionthat it will be right to gratify him, as soon aswe become in a situation to accomplish it-James Gillingham, James Ellicott &; Philip EThomas were therefore appointed to prepare asuitable reply to him &; produce it to the next Meeting of the committee Then adjourned until tomorrow evening atthe 6th Hour when the committee again metpresent 9 members The friends appointed to prepare a reply tothe Turtles application for a mill produced thefollowing which was approved &; delivered to himto wit To our brother the Little Turtle Since the first time we took each other by thehand several years ago, we have always felt astrong solicitude for the welfare of our red brethrenand an ardent desire to render them every assistancein our power. Brother! It is this disposition towards them, whichhas led us into their country, and we have everyyear since that time kept some persons employed toinstruct them in those things which we apprehendedwould promote their comfort &; improvement Brother! we have already informed them, thatour means are not great, and that we have neverfound ourselves in a situation to extend our operations to more than one Village at a time Brother! It was by the agreement of our redbrethren that we commenced our operations onthe Wabash- and they have been informed that