ourselves in a situation to accomplish it Brothers! we will therefore endeavour to divideour aid between the Wabash &; the Turtles Town -our brother must not expect the mill to be builtimmediately, we must first direct an examination to be made of the situation at his Villagebefore we can determine what kind of a onecan best be put up for him- Perhaps there maynot be a place for a water mill; this we willenquire into Brother! After we shall have made the necessaryexamination, we will then determine on thekind of mill most proper, and inform our Brotherthereof. We request our brother will accept the assurancesof our sincere &; affectionate regard: we rejoice thathe and us have been permited to have an opportunity of again taking one another by the hand,and renewing those friendly sentiments, whichwe before entertained towards each other, andour desire to the Great Spirit is, that he willpreserve our brother, through the long journey hehas before him, and return him safe to the bosomof his family &;people.The Turtle replyed as follows My Brothers! The communication you have justmade to me is highly pleasing, and I return you my sincere thanks Brothers! You observe that your brothers on theWabash are unwilling to part with you- thisI know to be true, and I rejoice that you still retainyour friendship for them, notwithstanding attempts havebeen made to prejudice you against them, and the