Whereas certain of my friends at this place whohave the good of the Indians at heart, haverequested me to state the causes which inducedme &; my companions to visit our western aliesI therefore feel it to be my duty to state asfollows- 1st I and the principal men of my nationdo firmly believe that it was the will of thegood &; great spirit to unite our ancestorswith the the ancestors of the Delawares- Monsey Esopus &; Waupug Nations, and enabled themto enter into a covenant of friendship, whichconnected them in one confederacy, whichfriendship their ancestors &; ours have never violated Our ancestors were enabled to establish a permanent praise with the different tribesof Indians (to wit) the Miamies- Potawatimies Chipeways- Ottawas- Sux- Musquakies or foxes Kickapoos- Kaskaskies &; Piankeshas who beartradition to us as their Grandfathers &; we callthem grandchildren which peace has beenmaintained ever since as also with the Wyandots Shawanese- and the southern tribes 3d I and restof the chiefs of my nation together with ouryoung men are desirous to maintain peace andunity among these nations- And the articles ofthe treaty of peace with the U.S- We found manyof these Indians in a deplorable situation thesemany years past- And we are sensible our goodwishes can never do them any good without our