At a meeting of the committee on Indianconcerns 3 mo 12 1809 present 10 members The committtee appointed to invest the moneyrecd. from our Brethren of Great Britain inaid of our exertions towards promoting thecivilization of the Indians produced the followingReport We the committee appointed to Invest theSecond apportionment of the Money allottedto us of Friends of Phila. out of the Fundraised by our Brethrn in England for therelief of the Indians Report That we have purchasted 44 Shares ofUnion Bank of Maryland Stock which cost $4781and that the committee now holds 118 Sharesfully paid up Transfered in Trust for the use ofthe committee on Indian concerns to Philip EThomas Isaac Tyson &; Andrew Ellicott Jr. Balto. 4 mo 12 1809 Elias Ellicott Elisha Tyson Philip E Thomas which was satisfactory &; the committeereleased The sub committee informed that they hadas directed written to those of our memberswho reside West of the mountains &; to John Johnson