that some of them appeared industrious andworked steadily, but the corrupting and debasinginfluence of Spiritous liquors upon them whicharticle they at that time continued to introducein large quantities into their villages was foundto be a great obstacle in the way of theirgeneral improvement, and it was the judgmentof these friends that if means could notbe adapted to prevent their easy access tothis bane of civilization and morality, theredid not appear a very encouraging prospectof their progressing much in improvementthey however appeared generally thankfuland expressed their obligations for the assistancethey had received The committee also recd. a communicationfrom the Miami Puttowattomi Eal river &; othernations of Indians N.W. of the State of Ohioinforming that an address which we had sometime before forwared to them on the subject ofthe admission of spiritous liquors into theircountry had been received and interpreted to thedifferent Tribes when assembled in their Generalcouncil in the 9th mo 1808 and that they had ona full consideration of the subject, unitedlyagreed to Petition the Government of the U. States