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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


to these Indians from friends continuing their aidto them. And at the same time remarking that thesettlement of the Shawanese at Wapakanetta werevery anxious to recieve assistance from Friends, andhad very generally manifested a disposition toturn their attention to agriculture and had alreadymade some progress in the cultivation of theirLands, these letters likewise inform that a Grist and Saw Mill had begun at this settlementand may with a moderate Expence be compleated The sub-committee reported that on rect. of these Letters, they likely had informed that Secretary ofWar that we might probably be induced to directour efforts at least for a time to the assistanceof these Indians provided the Government shouldapprove of it, and they now produced his replyin which he expresses his intire approbation ofour removing there, and at the same time relinquishes to the direction of the Society the wholeof the public property and materials whichhad been collected there for the use and benefitof the Indians. After solid consideration the committeewere united in judgment that it will be properto withdraw for a time from the wabash anddirect our exertions to the assistance of the settlement