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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


opened to perform this service- The subjectwas refered to the further consideration of thecommittee A report was received from thefriends who were appointed to make avisit to the Indians settld near MohickenJohns Lake which was satisfactory, andthe same friends Continued to extendsuch further attention and assistance tothese Indians as they may judge expedientand draw on our Treasurer for theamount of Expence incured and reportfrom time to time to the committee Gerard T. Hopkins, George Ellicott, AsaMoore, Andrew Ellicott &; James Gillinghamwere appointed to prepare a report to theyearly Meeting examine the Treasurer a/cand report to a future meeting of thecommittee Then adjourned to the 7th Hourtomorrow evening at which time thecommittee again met The friends appointed to preparea report to the Yearly Meeting producedthe following which was approovd &;