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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


their ancient mode of living than some othersPossessing a vast extent of country which abounds inwild animals upon which they have been accustomedto feed, they are under less necessity of resorting toagriculture, than those tribes which are surrounded bythe settlement of white people, nevertheless upon a review of the progress made towards the accomplishmentof the object of their appointment, the committee believethere is cause of encouragement for Friends to perseverein this truly laudable and interesting work and thatalthough they may still have discouragements anddifficulties to encounter, yet they trust the work is progressing and that their labours will ultimately succeed Balto. 1 mo 12th 1812 At a Meeting of the Committee 2 mo 2 1812 present 14 members The sub committee were desired to writeto our members west of the mountains &; Requestthem to engage a person to compleat the Millsat Waupaukanetta as early as the weatherwill admit in the Spring and also to desire themto forward on to the committee the amountand items of expence incured, and to engagea suitable person who will remain at thesettlement to take charge of the Mills whencompleted and instruct the Indians in themanagement of them, and give them such advice&; assistance in their agriculture as may appearnecessaryThen adjourned