Indians at that place have abandoned their settlementand been removed for safety amongst the white peopleas it was believed their lives would be endangered byremaining at their village The committee may further inform that theyreceived a visit during the past apring from Quaitawaippay (Captain Lewis) a principal chief of the Mingo town, a village in the negihbourhood of Waupaukanetta;Captain Lewis' visit was for the purpose of obtainingsome assistance for his Village and as we had receivedsatisfactory information of the Industry and soberhabits of these Indians, it was concluded to furnishthem some aid, and accordingly an order was givenupon a member of our committee who residesnot very distant from his Village for a few articlesof Husbandry which have been prepared &; at his requestplaced subject to his order in Dayton, but the wholeof the people of his Town having been also removedfor protection, amongst the white Inhabitants, theTools have not been taken possession of by him From information received from those of ourcommittee who were appointed for the purpose ofaiding the Indians residing on the waters of theMuskinghum river it appears that they had madethem a visit much to their satisfaction, havingfound the Indians industriously engaged in clearing theirlands for the purpose of planting &; sowing, but thevillages being remote from the residence of these friendsrendered it inconvenient to them personally to yield thenecessary care, they therefore engaged a suitable personin the neighbourhood of the Villages to make the in