ville, and lodged at Caleb Bentley's-making 27 miles. The weather cold, with some snow. Nothing remarkable occurred, except that, in crossing a miry glade, my horse fell and threw me; neither of us received a hurt. 2d mo. 24th. Bade farewell to my relatives and connexions at Brookeville, and rode to Now-land's Ferry-28 miles-a very muddy and cold day. The high wind preventing us from cross-ing the Potomac river, we rode to the house of George Lepley, a neighboring farmer, where we found good accommodations, and were kindly entertained. 25th. Crossed the Potomac early this morn-ing, passed over the Catoctin mountain, taking the village of Waterford in our way; thence through the gap of the Short Hill, over the Blue Ridge to Warmsley's Ferry over the Shenandoah river; thence across the Shenandoah to the house of our friend, John McPherson, a dis-tance of 29 miles. This day's journey has been highly entertaining; mountain rising above mountain, and farm above farm, till we reached the summit of the Blue Ridge, from whence a most extensive and beautiful prospect of the country, both on the east and west side of the mountain, was full in view. From the top of this commanding eminence, we were the specta-tors of a beautiful natural scene. A cloud, small in its appearance, passing nearly upon a level with our elevation, cast its shadow upon the