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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


this land was owned by Washington at the time of his death. This day's journey has been very disagreeable and cold, owing to a continued fall of snow. We greatly regretted that the clouds prevented a view of the Redstone settlements from the top of Laurel Hill, this being that part of the Alle­ghany Mountains from which a descent is made into the country below. From this commanding eminence the prospect, we are told, is beautiful beyond description. Our disappointment, however, was in some measure recompensed by finding ourselves, when upon the top of this hill, not only above the clouds, but also so elevated in a cloud as to find the particles of snow resembling fog; a proof that large spits of snow, as they are called, ac­quire their size by an accumulation of particles on their way from the clouds to the earth. I may here mention, that the difficulties and fatigues of our journey thus far have been rendered light by the agreeable company of my brother-in-law, Thomas Moore, and our esteemed friend, Israel Janney, the former joining us at Brookeville, and the latter in the Shenandoah Valley. They are complying with an appointment by our late Yearly Meeting, in a visit to a Quarterly Meet­ing at Redstone. From the 1st to the 8th of the month, we rested at Redstone, a rest useful to our horses as well as to ourselves. In the course of this