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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


interval, we attended Redstone Quarterly Meet-ing. There were present several Friends from the State of Ohio, who reside upon a part of the tract of country called the Seven Ranges. They informed us that the Indian Chief, Tarhie,* *This was Tarhie, (or the Crane,) Chief of the Wyandots, whom Evan Thomas, and other members of the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meet-ing, visited at Upper Sandusky, in the 6th month, 1799, and of which a report was published in that year. See Appendix. a Wyandot of great distinction, with about one hundred hunters, mostly of the Wyandot nation, were hunting bears upon a branch of the Big Beaver, called Mahoning, within about twenty miles of their settlement, and that a fall of snow three feet in depth had placed them in a suffer-ing condition, they not making provision at their camp for such an event. In this situation the Friends received the following letter from Tar-hie. My dear Brothers, Quakers, listen to what I now say to you. You always called us Indians your brothers, and now, dear white brothers, I am in distress, and all my young men who are with me. Brothers, will you please to help me to fill my kettles and my horses' troughs, for I am afraid my horses will not be able to carry me home again. Neighbors, will you please to give, if it is