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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


enormous size. Their havoc extended for many miles along the river, and reached about seven or eight miles from the shore. 11th. This day being First-day, we rested ourselves and horses, and were glad to have an opportunity of attending a meeting of Friends, called Short Creek Meeting. A Monthly Meet-ing is lately established here by Redstone Quar-terly Meeting. About forty Friends were at this meeting, and most of them were new settlers. The greater number had moved from North Carolina. The meeting was held in a log house or cabin, situated upon a beautiful hill, covered with lofty timber. The difficulties and incon-veniences of a new settlement, are rendered the more easy and tolerable, where, as in the instance of these Friends, a number of families, by agree-ment, form a settlement in the same neighbor-hood. In the afternoon several of them visited us at our lodgings, and expressed sympathy with us in our undertaking. 12th. Proceeded on our journey; travelled thirty-one miles and reached Randallstown; part of the day has been rainy, and the riding very disagreeable. We have passed through a body of land heavily timbered and very rich. There are yet but few settlements made on this tract. The first settlers in this new country erect small log cabins, which they cover with split timber called puncheons; these they pin to the rafters