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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


tional provision by which slavery was interdicted, and that any alteration therein would be an in-supportable grievance. 20th. This day rode fifteen miles, and reached Hugh Evan's, upon Clear Creek, one of the head waters of the Rocky Fork of Paint Creek. The country through which we have passed is up-land and lies level. The timber is heavy and much interspersed with blue ash, hackberry, walnut and sugar trees. There is scarcely a set-tlement yet made here. 21st. Our progress has been impeded for several days past, two of our horses belonging to our company having faltered. This day we concluded to rest them by continuing at the house of Hugh Evans, who is hearty and cheerful at seventy-four years of age, his wife equally so, and seventy-two years of age. The old man appears to make me welcome at his house, say-ing he knew my father, having early in life been his neighbor, and has made many inquiries after the families of the people who were his old ac-quaintance. He says he has six children, all of whom have married to his satisfaction, and that they lately removed with him from Kentucky, and are settled around him, each of them upon five hundred acres of land which he has given them. He says that it affords him great conso-lation now in the decline of life, to reflect that his acquisitions are the fruits of his honest in-dustry.