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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


are tired. During the greater part of this day we have rode through a heavy rain. The rain continuing with the approach of night, we made a large fire, and erected a shelter in imitation of the Indian hunting camps, covering it with our blankets. Under this we slept, and were but little incommoded, notwithstanding the rain continued during the greater part of the night. I must not omit to mention that we to-day passed through a very level plain containing many thousand acres. This plain is almost with-out trees. The soil nearly hid by weeds and grass of last year's growth; the luxuriance of which plainly demonstrates its extraordinary fer-tility. In this plain we observed a small pond or lake in which were wild geese and ducks in abundance. We are informed that this is one of the places where wild fowl raise their young. 30th. Pursued our path and travelled twenty-three miles through a very fertile, heavily tim-bered and beautiful country, being a little more inclined to hills. The ride to-day has been a pleasing one, in part doubtless from the reflec-tion that the day would probably close a long, tedious and arduous journey. We at last reachedFort Wayne. As we approached the Fort, having reached it within about thirty rods, we were saluted by a sentinel with the word Halt. We obeyed the command. A sergeant was de-spatched from the commanding officer, who en-quired of us on his behalf, Where are you