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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


The Five Medals very deliberately and can-didly replied to our inquiry after his health as follows: That in the course of last fall he went to Detroit, that whilst there the white people made him drink whiskey. That after he had accomplished his business there, he set out for his home, and got upon his horse whilst the whiskey was in his head. That he had not rode far before he fell from his horse, and was very much hurt by the fall, and that ever since that time he had not been well. After some further mutual inquiries, relative to the welfare of red and white acquaintance, we we informed him through an interpreter that we had come to see our red brethren, that we had messages for both the Little Turtle and himself, and were glad that it had so happened that we had come. That we hoped the Little Turtle would come to-morrow, and that we wished to see them together, having something to say to them. He appeared pleased with this informa-tion, and expressed that he had made a camp not far off, where he would wait for the arrival of the Little Turtle. After some general con-versation he withdrew, bidding us farewell. 4th mo. 2d. Being invited to dine to-day withWilliam Wells, who is interpreter for the In-dians, we went to his house accordingly, having the company of our very worthy and kind land-lord. About mid-day the Little Turtlearrived. He