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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


gout, and that in the time of his illness he (the interpreter) had told him that his complaint be-longed to great folks and gentlemen. Well, said the Turtle, I always thought I was a gentlemen.* *By the suffrage of all who became acquainted with the Little Turtle during his visits to Baltimore in 1801, and also in 1807, he was acknowledged to be a gentleman in character, appearance, and manners. His estimate of himself therefore was not too high. For his speech before the Indian Committee in Balti-more in 1801, and other information concerning him, see appendix. T. About 2 o'clock we dined. At the head of the table sat the interpreter's wife, who is a modest, well-looking Indian woman, and the daughter of a distinguished chief. She had prepared for us a large well roasted wild turkey, and also a wild turkey boiled, and for these she had pro-vided a large supply of cranberry sauce. TheLittle Turtle sat at table with us, and with much sociability we all partook of an excellent dinner. In the afternoon the Five Medals, attended by his sons, visited us at William Wells' house, and the opportunity being a suitable one, we proposed to them that a formal conference should then take place between us. This proposition meeting their assent, we opened the conference by desiring the interpreter to inform them that we had received their talk sent to us last fall,