cated, when, at some future time, you may be more generally assembled. One of us, then standing up, read to them the following address: The interpreter, also standing between us and the Indians, interpreted our com-munication: The Address of George Ellicott and Gerard T. Hopkins, delivered to the Little Turtle and the Five Medals, Chiefs of the Miami and Pottowattamy nations of Indians, and others. Brothers and Friends: When we were to-gether, eight days ago, with the Little Turtle and the Five Medals, the letter was read to them, which has just been read. That letter, you observe, says that we were appointed by the people called Quakers, of Baltimore, to visit you, and to take you by the hand on their be-half, desiring that you would receive any com-munications from us, as coming immediately from them. Brothers: After that letter was read, our hearts were filled with so much love for our Red Brethren, that, on looking over and considering the business upon which we had come, we felt a desire to see as many together as could be convened- and this day was that agreed upon for us to meet you. Brothers: We believed that the things we had to say were of great importance to our Red Brethren, and therefore it was that we request-ed to see you together, that you all might have an opportunity of hearing what we have to say.