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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


and informed that many of their people were disposed to turn heir attention to the cultiva-tion of the earth. They also expressed a desire to be assisted by their Brothers of Baltimore. Brothers: Having been encouraged by the opportunity which we then had, we sent to the care of the Agent for Indian Affairs some ploughs, harness for horses, axes, hoes, and other imple-ments of husbandry, which were made for the use of our Red Brethren, and desired that they might be distributed amongst them as tokens of our friendship. Brothers: We received last fall, through the hands of the Agent for Indian Affairs, a talk from the Little Turtle, the Five Medals, and others, informing us that they had received the implements of husbandry, and requested that their Brothers of Baltimore would send some of their people into the country of their Red Brethren for the purpose of seing their situation, and showing them how to make use of the tools, saying they did not know how to begin. Brothers: It is for these purposes that we have now come; and we again repeat, that we rejoice we have the opportunity of seeing you, and of taking you by the hand. Brothers: In coming into the country of our Red Brethren, we have come with our eyes open. And although we are affected with sorrow, in believing that many of the Red Brethren suffer