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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


rent, and affords a good mill seat. We viewed the land in this neighborhood for a considerable distance, and found it high and of superior quality, being covered with sugar trees of enor-mous size, black walnut, white walnut, hack-berry, blue ash, oak buckeye trees, &;c., all very large. The land appears to be equal in quality to any we have seen, not excepting the bottoms of the Scioto and Paint Creek. About half a mile below, a handsome creek falls into the river from the north, which we traced for a consider-able distance, and are convinced it affords a good mill seat. This creek bearing no name, we called it Dennis' Creek in honor of Philip Dennis. As night approached, Massanonga, taking his knife, left us, and in about fifteen minutes re-turned with a remarkably fine turkey. This he prepared and roasted for us in a very nice and expeditious manner, on which we fared sumptu-ously. At 9 o'clock we wrapped ourselves in our blankets, and laid down to sleep before the fire, having no shelter. The night was frosty; we, however, slept tolerably and took no cold. In the night the otters were very noisy along the river, the deer also approached our fire and made a whistling noise; the wolves howled, and at the dawn of day turkies gobbled in all direct-tions. 13th. Early this morning we arose, and breakfasted on the remains of the turkey cooked last evening, after which we fixed upon the place