for Philip Dennis' farm; we also staked out the situation for his wigwam, which is about one hundred feet from the banks of the Wabash, and opposite to a fine spring of excellent water issuing out of the bank of the river. We are told by several persons well acquainted with the country, that from hence to St. Vin-cennes, on the Wabash, a distance of two hun-dred miles by land, and three hundred and fifty by water, the land on both sides of the river embracing a very extensive width, is not inferior to the description given of this location in yes-terday's notes. At Mississinaway, a large Indian town of the Miami's, situated about thirty miles below us, on the Wabash, stone coal is found, which with limestone continues for two hundred miles down the river. There are no Indians between this and Fort Wayne, neither any between this and Mississin-away. Philip Dennis' nearest neighbors will be at the Little Turtle's town, eighteen miles dis-tant. Whilst here we have seen four peroques loaded with peltry, manned by Canadians and In-dians, on their way up the river to be tran-sported to Detroit. I may here observe that the Wabash affords an abundance of large turtles, called soft shelled turtles, the outer coat being a hard skin, rather than a shell. They are esteemed excellent food. It affords a great variety of fine fish, and