28th. This day we dined with Major Pike, in compliance with an invitation which he gave us yesterday. He treated us with great respect and attention, and appeared to be pleased with our company. New Jersey being the place of his nativity, he has considerable knowledge of our Society. In the course of conversation he in-quired after Peter Yarnall, and says that Peter and himself were in the same military company during the Revolutionary war; he had not heard of his death. The following circumstance, as related by him, making at the time considerable impression upon me, I have thought proper to record it. He told us that several officers with Peter and himself were lodging together; that one night Peter alarmed them all with loud screams to such a de-gree that on first awaking he supposed the enemy had fallen upon their army with bayonets. Peter was on his feet, and appeared to be awake. They spoke to him repeatedly, and endeavored to ap-proach him, but every advance they made in-creased his alarm. Finally he recovered himself and became composed, and for several days after-wards, instead of satisfying their inquiries, ap-peared to be sunk in distress and gloom. He afterwards told them he considered his alarm as a warning to him, and that his fright arose from a plain representation of the devil, come to take him off. Peter in a short time left the army, and (said the Major) I always believed that his