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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


the Six Nations,) are turning their attention to agriculture. About mid-day we returned in a small boat to our vessel. After dining on board, we went on shore at Fort Erie, and joined by our Commodore and Lieutenant Cox, a passenger with us from Detroit, we engaged a light wagon to return with us at 4 o'clock to-morrow morning, to view the Falls of Niagara, distant about eighteen miles. We extended our walk for a considerable distance along the shore of Lake Erie; it is here composed of a solid body of limestone, beautifully marbled. 11th. This morning we sat out for the Falls of Niagara; our road passed near the margin of Niagara river, from the lake to the Falls, a dis-tance of 18 miles, which afforded us a view both of the river, and of the adjacent improve-ments. The land is generally under cultivation, and is tolerably improved. The soil appears rather cold and stiff; but some of the meadows are nearly equal to the best I ever saw; some of the farms belong to members of our society, and we are told that there is a meeting of Friends not far distant from the Falls. Considerable emigrations are making from the United States, to this as well as other parts of Upper Canada, owing to the very advantageous terms upon which the British Government dispose of the land, being scarcely removed from a gift. We reached a Canadian town called Chippewa, to breakfast, after which we walked to the Falls,