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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


extremities. I shall not attempt to give a par-ticular description of the Falls of Niagara, which has been done by persons who have visited them, for the especial purpose of gratifying the curious. After we had gratified our curiosity in a view of them we returned to Fort Erie, and after night were rowed in a small boat to Buffalo town, in order to be in readiness for setting out home-ward in the morning. 12th. The person who has engaged to take us on our journey this morning has disappointed us. The circumstance is a trial, as we have become very anxious to reach our homes. Being at lei-sure we accompanied the Indian agent in a ride, four miles above Buffalo Creek, to an Indian vil-lage of the Senecas, one of the tribes of the Six Nations. They are making considerable progress in agriculture, live in tolerable log houses, and have a number of cattle, horses and hogs. We saw many of them at work; they were preparing the ground for the plough by rolling logs, taking up stumps, &;c. We also saw among them a large plough at work, drawn by three yoke of oxen, and attended by three Indians. They all appeared to be very merry, and to be pleased with our visit. The land upon which these Indians are settled is of a superior quality. We saw amongst them Red Jacket, Farmers Brother, and several other dis-tinguished Chiefs. Many of these Indians wor-