miles in width; its waters empty into Lake Ontario. The improvements on this tract are astonishingly handsome for a new country, par-ticularly through a settlement called Bloomfield. At Canandaigua, we exchanged a rough wagon, for the public stage, a circumstance additionally gratifying to us from the hope that we shall now proceed homewards with expedition. At 2 o'clock set out in the stage, and reached the town ofGeneva where we lodged. This is a handsome new town situated upon Seneca lake, a body of water forty miles in length, and from three to three and a half miles in width. 17th. Travelled about fifty miles and lodged at the village of Onandagua. On our way we reached a handsome wooden bridge one mile in length, over Cayuga Lake. 18th. Travelled fifty miles to the handsome town of Utica, situated on the Mohawk river. Passed near Oneida Lake, and through a large settlement of Indians of the Oneida tribe. Their town consists of about seven hundred Indians. They have good houses, a meeting house, barns and orchards. Their land is under cultivation, is level, and appears to be of good quality. We saw many of them in their fields preparing for corn. These Indians have been greatly aided in agriculture, by the Friends of Philadelphia. 19th. This morning we again proceeded, and at night lodged at a small village called George-town, making a distance of fifty miles. Our road