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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


led us the whole distance along the Mohawk river. The Bottoms along this river are called theGerman Flats, and are very rich and handsome. They were settled many years ago by the Germans. We stopped to view the Falls in the river, where the navigation is made easy by locks; a very romantic place, there being limestone rock of enormous size, both in the water and upon the hills. In proceeding along the bottoms of this river there are many marks which indicate that at some period of time there was a vast body of water covering these Flats. The Flats are gen-erally from half a mile to a mile in width; theirmargins are a continuation of hills on each side,which are from two to three hundred feet inheight; the surface of the hills show stones of great size, which are washed into all shapes; added to this, the hills discover evident appear-ances of those indentures common to river shores. 20th. Again prosecuted our journey, passing along the Mohawk river to the town of Schen-ectady, where we crossed the river, and in the evening reached the town of Albany upon the North river, making a distance of forty eight miles. I cannot but observe here, that in pro-ceeding along the Mohawk river to-day, we came to the end of those high chains of hills mention-ed yesterday, where the country made quite a level appearance; so that we were puzzled to conjecture what became of the earth which had