near to each other, as those who live upon a stream claim the country watered by it, they often en-croached on each other, and this was a constant source of war between the different nations. The nation occupying the tract of country last described, called themselves Lenapi, and among us they are better known as Delawares; this nation consisted of five tribes, who all spoke one language; first, the Chihohocki, who dwelt on the west side of the river, now called Dela-ware, a name given to it by Lord De-la-War, who put into it on his passage from Virginia, but which was called by the Indians, Chicho-hocki. Second, the Wanami, who inhabited the country called New Jersey, from the Raritan to the sea. Third, the Munsey, who dwelt on the upper streams of the Delaware, from the Kitta-tinny mountains down to the Raritan. Fifth, the Mahicon or Mahattan, who occupied Staten Isl-and, York Island, (which, from its being the prin-cipal seat of their residence, was formerly called Mahattan.) Long Island, and that part of N. York and Connecticut, which lies between Connecticut and Hudson rivers, from the highlands, which is a continuance of the Kittatinny ridge down to the sound. The nation had a close alliance with the Shawanese, who lived on the Susque-hanna and to the westward of that river, as far as the Alleghany mountains, and carried on a long