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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


freedom to subscribe, are desired to put their contributions into the hands of the following Friends, who are appointed to receive and apply the same, in such manner as will best answer the benevolent designs of this meeting, carefully guarding against giving offence to gov-ernment, viz:- John Wilson, Joseph Bond John M'Kim, Joseph Beeson, Bianson John Branen, Brown John Butcher, Evan Thomas, Benjamin Walker, Allan Farquhar, Israel Janney, John Love, David Branen, Brown Caleb Kirk, Gouldsmith Chandlee, Jonathan Wright, of Moses Dillon, Monallen, Elias Ellicott, Thomas Matthews, Nathan Heald, David Greane. Greaves The Friends above named composed the first Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting for In-dian Affairs, and their appointment was witnessed by John Wigam, a minister from North Britain, who attended with a certificate from Aberdeen Monthly Meeting, dated 17th of Fourth month, 1794, and endorsed by the Half-year's Meeting, held at Edinburgh, 28th of same month; and, also, a certificate from the Yearly Meeting of Ministers and Elders, held in London, dated 17th of Fifth month, 1794, all